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Updated: Dec 4, 2022

Nevertheless, I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. –John 16:7

The men and women of the Bible College of Wales thought they were spiritually mature. Then, in December 1936, everything changed.

This transformation began after a new dedication to prayer. A staff member described how “there was an increasing consciousness of God’s presence.” An “awesome sense of God’s nearness” swept over the college.

Gradually, they became more conscious of the reality of the Holy Ghost. The conviction of the Spirit was so strong that some wept for hours. Previously, they thought they knew God, but “now the revelation of His presence was so tremendous that all their previous experiences seemed like nothing.”

They felt His conviction as never before. They no longer were content treating Christianity as just a religion, a subject to be studied. The Spirit of God had transformed them. They became prayer warriors and fearless disciples.

The world is filled with skeptics who think Christianity is just a religion. At the same time, many Christians have never been transformed or really filled with the Holy Ghost. But God calls us to a new dimension, a deeper relationship, and a new reality.

Like those students in Wales, this change can start with a new dedication to prayer. It can begin when we get serious about seeking God and are more sensitive to His spirit. We must have a hunger for His presence and no longer be content with the ordinary. We should be ready to be transformed.

Seek God’s presence. Put aside the petty things of this world. Jesus will speak to you. Change you. Use you.

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