And they come to Jerusalem: and Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves;
– Mark 11:15
Having seen everything at the temple the day before, Jesus comes back and puts an end to all the buying and selling of sacrifices there. This creates quite a disruption.
Jesus clears out the courts so that believers from all nations can gather there for prayer. He rebukes the moneychangers and the vendors for making the Lord’s temple a “den of robbers.” And by toppling tables and benches, he shows that the whole system of continuous sacrifices is about to be overturned.
Jesus is here to fulfill the Old Testament law by paying for our sins once and for all. The tables of the money changers, where people got the temple currency needed to pay for temporary sacrifices for their sins, will no longer stand. Jesus will replace these with the table of bread and wine representing his body and blood, which pays for all sin once and for all. He will personally replace animal sacrifices with the sacrifice of his own life.
Until now the temple has been the central place for sacrifices and forgiveness. But Jesus Christ will now be the essential source of forgiveness for all people.
Because of Jesus, we no longer have to pay for sacrifices for our sins. Jesus has come, and he has paid the price for us all!
Find comfort in knowing that your sacrifice is perfect and complete for all time for you and for everyone.